Ftkgui - Building platform-independent GUIs with Fortran

19 may 2007:

There is no detailed documentation on this module yet

To use it, please look at this example and note that the module/library is not complete yet. The program below illustrates the use of the FTKGUI module:

! Simple program to show the Ftkgui library
module callbacks
    use ftkgui

subroutine drawtext( cmdname, noargs, ierror )
    character(len=*) :: cmdname
    integer          :: noargs
    integer          :: ierror

    type(widget)      :: canvas
    character(len=40) :: cname
    character(len=40) :: text
    integer           :: id
    real              :: xcrd
    real              :: ycrd

    ierror = 0
    call ftcl_get_arg( 1, cname )
    call ftcl_get_arg( 2, xcrd )
    call ftcl_get_arg( 3, ycrd )

    call gui_get_value( 'vname', text )

    canvas%wname = cname
    id = gui_canvas_create_text( canvas, (/ xcrd, ycrd /), text )
end subroutine

end module callbacks

program calc
   use FTKGUI
   use callbacks
   implicit none

   type(widget)  :: mainw
   type(widget)  :: canvas
   type(widget)  :: label
   type(widget)  :: entry
   type(command) :: callback
   integer       :: id

   ! Initialise the GUI library
   call gui_start( mainw )

   ! Create a few widgets as children of the main window
   label  = gui_create_label( mainw, 'Edit the text and click in the window below' )
   call gui_grid_add_row( (/ label, fill_column /) )

   label  = gui_create_label( mainw, 'Text to draw:' )
   entry  = gui_create_entry( mainw, 'vname' )
   canvas = gui_create_canvas( mainw )

   ! Arrange them in the main window
   call gui_grid_add_row( (/ label, entry /) )
   call gui_grid_add_row( (/ canvas, fill_column /) )

   ! Text shown in the entry widget "vname"
   call gui_set_value( 'vname', 'Text' )

   ! Draw a few items in the canvas
   id = gui_canvas_create_line( canvas, (/ 10.0, 10.0, 40.0, 40.0 /), 'red' )
   id = gui_canvas_create_oval( canvas, (/ 100.0, 100.0, 140.0, 140.0 /), 'green' )
   id = gui_canvas_create_text( canvas, (/ 230.0, 100.0 /), 'This is arbitrary text' )

   ! To make the GUI really do something, we register a callback for
   ! the canvas: draw the text shown in the entry widget "vname" at the
   ! location where you click inside the canvas
   callback = gui_create_command( drawtext )
   call gui_canvas_register_callback( canvas, gui_button_1, callback, '%W %x %y' )

   ! Let the library do its work
   call gui_loop

   ! The routine gui_loop simply takes over control, it never returns
end program
Here is the result after clicking a few times: